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Saturday, March 9, 2013

By: Deanna Michelle~ Becoming Esther: Kenya, Africa 

Opak Yesu! (Praise Jesus in Luo) This being my 25th week in the land of Kenya, I thought I’d write my first blog entry for the Becoming Esther ministry here in Africa.  Please bear with me as I am very new at this *wink*  The Lord has shown me so much in my life living here in Kenya, Africa. My first weeks here seem like only yesterday… The Word is so true—Life is but a vapor. 

One of the things the Lord has revealed to me living here is how to really walk by faith and not by sight (1 Cor.5:7).  Living back in the States, I don’t remember having to trust the Lord in ways that I need to trust Him here in Kenya.  Simple things such as having running water, electricity, and food—I really had to trust in the Lord’s provision, and He is ever so faithful to provide!  Praise God.  Among these, I also have come to learn not to be moved by what I see, but be moved by the unseen.  I can’t explain it in words physically because it deals with spirituals.  But one thing I know for sure, no matter what I face here naturally and spiritually, the power of prayer and fasting mixed with the faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, strengthened me so much during the times that felt most unbearable.  I thank God for His Word is true—He won’t give me anything I can’t handle, Amen!

The times I remember being the strongest spiritually were on my knees seeking the Lord early (Prov. 8:17).  In the morning, I’d awake before anyone else was up, go in a quiet place to seek the Lord and cry out humbly to Him as I poured my heart before His throne of grace.  Oh how I love those times being alone in the presence of the MOST HIGH!  Times like that are precious to me and I long to be there as often as I can. 

Truly the Lord is good and His faithfulness is great!  This journey of life that I’m passing through has made me into the young woman of God that I prayed the Lord would bring out of me.  I feel stronger and bolder, yet meek and of a quiet spirit (2 Pet.3:4).  I remember before I was sent to this nation, my prayer to the heavenly Father was this: To become a godly example so that in the near future, I’d be ready to a wife for the man of God the Lord has for me, and to be a godly mother for our children.  There are three keys the Lord has given me to become that godly wife and mother I so desire to be:

Respect authority. Be submissive. Don’t usurp!
Put a guard over my mouth and my heart. 
Serve willingly in love and with joy!

The first is definitely key in not only being a wife to my husband but as a bride of Christ.  Ephesians 5:24 says, “Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.”  I’ve learned how powerful the Jezebel spirit can be and I am determined with purpose of my heart not to become or let it be part of me.  I desire to submit, support, and undergird the man of God who I will call my husband.  To love him all the days of my life, encourage and strengthen his heart at all times.  Amen and Amen!

The second key helped me open…or should I say “lock” certain doors in my life that should never be opened.  O how important it is for us ladies to put a guard over our mouth, watch what we say and even what we hear!  There’s a way we ought to speak and when we should speak.  So many women of the world today are into gossip and back-stabbing about each other, their husbands, or others.  In 1 Tim. 2:11-12, it is specifically written that we as women of God learn in silence and not usurp authority. We are to reflect this in our lives.  With this in mind, may we also purpose to be Titus 2 women. We see in Titus 2:3-5 how women of God are to be and how the older women should set the example for others especially younger sisters in Christ.  I want to highlight in this chapter how we must be obedient to our own husbands.  Why?  So the Word of God be not blasphemed! (vs 5).  May we truly take this to heart for it is the very foundation of who are to be as daughters of God desiring to become like Esther.  She is this ministry’s name sake.  She set the example first when she replaced Vashti who was un-submissive to authority.  Let the spirit of Esther arise within us compelling others to follow us as well! 

Finally, I’d like to present the third key to unlock the door to wife and motherhood—servitude.  In all honesty, I know to be willing to serve at times isn’t easy.  But afterwards the fruit yielded is sweet!  I’m so blessed that I’ve come to learn how to serve out of a willing heart.  I can’t wait to be a wife for my husband-to-be and have dinner made for him, the house cleaned, and the children ready when he comes home from work *smile* That’s the desire of my heart and I trust the Lord that soon I’ll be able to do my heart’s desire. 

Psalm 37:4
Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
So with that I will close for now.  I pray for all to be blessed with what the Spirit of the Lord has shown me in my journey so far living here in Kenya, Africa.  May it minister to each and every one of your hearts, souls, and spirits!  Nyasaye oguedhu! (God bless you all!)

In His Love, Deanna Michelle.

~To learn more about Deanna and the Becoming Esther team, Please visit:

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