Translate Becoming Esther

Thursday, April 28, 2016

|Guarding Our Spiritual Gates|
By Kenya Gossett 

“Oh be careful little ears what you hear, for the Father up above is looking down with love. Oh be careful little ears what you hear. Oh be careful little eyes what you see, for the Father up above is looking down with love. Oh be careful little eyes what you see.”

Sound familiar? That is a shortened version of the Sunday school song that we all grew up listening to. It’s simple and light-hearted, but in all reality it’s still a warning that we should adhere to. Our Father up above hears all, sees all, and knows all.  

We need to realize that our eyes and ears, are a gateway that leads either to life or destruction. Whatever we download and save into the hard drive of our mind, will flow out of our mouth and be evident in our walk on this earth. 

In a world filled with deep darkness, perversion, foul language and lust, it can be difficult for a Christian to walk untainted. There is temptation around every corner. There are attacks coming against the church, trying to take down leaders with sin. TV and movies have no shame in flaunting homosexuality, adultery, fornication, witchcraft and sorcery. Music has become so demon possessed and twisted, from what God originally wanted it to be. It’s the norm, but it comes from satan himself. He has crept into all of these situations making it look so innocent, and sadly people have become numb to it. They can sit in a movie and listen to actors curse their God, or they could watch TV shows with fornication and vulgarity in every scene. They can put earphones in and listen to explicit lyrics with a "cool beat", not realizing that it is opening doors for the enemy to come in and pollute their thoughts. The enemy is so subtle! It may seem harmless at first but the Word says that satan comes as an angel of light. He'll make it look innocent, but over time, it will kill you. Your conviction and fear of God will be gone. 

It is a dangerous game that we as Christians should not play. It breaks the heart of God when we entertain such things and let me tell you, it is not worth it!

Romans 12:2 AMP

“And do not be conformed to this world (any longer with its superficial values and customs) but be transformed and progressively changed (as you mature spiritually) by the renewing of your mind (focusing on Godly values and ethical attitudes), so that you may prove (for yourselves) what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect (in His plan and purpose for you.)”

The hard drive that we have is a powerful device. but hallelujah, it is not too powerful for the Holy Spirit to come and press the delete button. It’s because of the blood of Jesus, that we can have a clean slate. But we still have a responsibility to guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 

We still have a choice to make. Are we going to renew our mind and press that delete button or are we going to let ourselves be enticed by the flesh? 

1 Corinthians 10:13 AMP

“No temptation (regardless of its source) has overtaken or enticed you that is not common to human experience (nor is any temptation unusual or beyond human resistance) but God is faithful (to His word- He is compassionate and trustworthy), and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability (to resist), but along with the temptation He (has in the past and is now and) will always provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it (without yielding) and will overcome temptation with joy.”

You see, God gives us a choice. When temptation arises, He provides a way out. It’s in that moment that we need to crucify the flesh, and walk in the Spirit. I love the end of that verse “you will be able to endure it, without yielding and will overcome temptation with joy.” 

When you choose right, it produces JOY. It’s the best feeling in the world when you not only get a victory but when you know that you just shut the door in satans face! 
You take ground in the Spirit and the enemy hates that. Even recently, I was able to overcome a few things and immediately the enemy came right back in with the same battle. I had to rise up and say “NO. I have been delivered, I have been covered in the blood. Jesus conquered the grave, so that I could conquer this.” and Praise God, it lifted. 

but I’ve learned how important it is to keep a heavy guard in front of my spiritual gates. The enemy is relentless in his pursuit to bring us down- he will go through every avenue and will use every little thing to trigger something in our mind that is not of God. 

I want to protect my anointing. I want to stay pure and holy before a Holy God. I want to keep His light in my eyes. I want to continually hear His Word. and most importantly, I want to speak words of life over myself and over the body of Christ. 

Luke 11:34 AMP

“The eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is clear (spiritually perspective, focused on God), your whole body also is full of light (benefiting from Gods precepts) But when it is bad (spiritually blind) your body is full of darkness (devoid of Gods word).”

So I want to encourage you, if you are struggling with anything listed above- it is time to call down the hosts of Heaven to guard every gate. I guarantee you that the Lord will not deny that request, nor will He withhold His blood from covering you. 

It’s not easy to take away things that the flesh loves, but in the end it produces a beautiful, victorious life. So I challenge you to make an effort in setting yourself apart. Only you know the things that the Lord is calling you out from, and that’s between you and Him. We all have to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. (Philippians 2:12) But you can do it! I know this because God has delivered me from SO much. It IS possible. It may be a process but it can be done. 

When unwanted thoughts come flooding in or when a temptation starts dangling right in front of you, think on “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by Gods word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things. (center your mind on them and IMPLANT them in your heart.)” Philippians 4:8 AMP

and if you battle condemnation over past mistakes or current battles that you feel like you can’t overcome, you need to know that you are not too far gone. There is nothing that Jesus can not fix or cover. 

I want you to pray Psalms 51:7 and Psalms 51:10-12 over yourself.

vs. 7 “Purify me with hyssop, and I WILL be clean. Wash me, and I WILL be whiter than snow.”

vs. 10-12 “Create in me a CLEAN heart, O God, and RENEW a right and steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence and do not take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit.”
God is going to do just that for you when you come with a repentant heart. Amen!

My last encouragement is simple and I will end with this. 

Just be careful, precious ones :)

Friday, April 22, 2016

|Satan Doesn't Have My Number Anymore|
By Melody Mohnhaupt

Do you ever feel crippled? Like you want to push past a hurdle or change an unwanted area in your life, but get overcome by oppression or fear? Do you feel incapable? Do you feel like you have big dreams, but get told they are “too big” or “not realistic”? Is it hard to keep your joy and focus on the Lord? Do you find yourself doubting?

If you answered ‘yes’ to some of these questions, let me tell you this. Satan is working overtime on you. His whole mission is to steal, kill and destroy. He wants to steal your hope, kill you joy, and destroy God’s vision for your life. 

I was speaking with someone a few days ago who was stuck in a rut. She was telling me how sometimes she gets so inspired by the Lord and He gives her visions and dreams that she desires to fulfill for His glory. She knows God has more in store for her, and that she is not bound to the life of poverty that she has come to know so well. And yet, she feels paralyzed by fear. She explained how she knows God’s goodness because she’s seen Him come through for her time and time again, but sometimes still can’t bring herself to take that step of faith into the unknown. 

The grip over her soul is so strong. That voice in her head repeatedly tells her, “You’re not good enough, smart enough, Christian enough, wealthy enough, and so on. People won’t take you seriously. How will you get there? What do you have to offer? A better life is just out of the question”. Just like the serpent in the garden that brought doubt into Eve’s heart with his, “Hath God said?”, causing her to be blinded and deceived; ultimately leading to the fall of man. When over and over again in the word God PROMISES to take care of us! He assures us, “I did say! You, my child, just ask and I will give! Knock, and I will open! Seek, and you will find! I will never forsake you or leave you. You will never beg bread! You are my child and I adore you and I want the very best for you.”

Unfortunately, a lot of the time, we don't really believe it. If we did, we would see His goodness overflowing and overwhelming our lives. We are too afraid to take those steps, expecting Him to come through for us. So, instead, we wait around in our comfort zones. We never take steps of faith big enough that would require God’s divine intervention. We never pursue those passions in our hearts, because, well, “What if He didn't come through and I turn into a laughing stock? Or lose my house? Or my job? Or turn into a bum on the side of the road?” (Don’t act like those thoughts have never crossed your mind! We all know they have!)

Now, don't get me wrong! I’m not saying you should make foolish decisions! God expects us to use His wisdom and seek Him diligently before any decision in life to assure that it is in accordance to His will. But, He also wants us to walk by faith. He wants His people to be a people who live outside the norm. He wants people in the world to look at us and know that the only way our life turned out so greatly, (when many expected us to crash and burn) was because God was the one orchestrating it all! 

Just look at God’s example in the Bible. It wasn't the Pharisees (the sophisticated, wealthy, knowledgeable scholars of the word) that God used to do His work! It was the smelly old fishermen and despised tax collector! That way, God would get the glory. You see, if Jesus chose the Pharisees as His disciples, many might have thought that what they accomplished (and why there were worthy of being chosen) was because of their social and status. Instead, God used the most unlikely people, so that when others saw them, they knew it was only God that could have moved before them.

I’m sure even the disciples of Jesus thought, “This guy must be crazy! Have you seen the bunch He picked to be His followers?” And maybe that’s how you're feeling about yourself too. “What? God must be crazy! How could he use me? There are many better people to choose! My “dreams” were probably stupid anyway!”

Believe it or not, every dream, passion, interest and talent you have was given to you by God for a reason. He put that in you to fulfill His purpose through you. He was intensional in every detail of your design. 

Maybe you’re sixteen and you are seeking God’s purpose, but have no clear sense of direction. Maybe you're pushing sixty and you feel like your time to be used by God is long passed expired. No matter your situation, God still wants to use you. You can’t lose hope! If He has called you, He will equip you! And, my darling, HE HAS CALLED YOU!!! 

So if you have negative thoughts about your life or even about yourself, I encourage you to speak out against those lies! Satan is a low down, dirty liar. He will convince you that your biggest fears, doubts, and insecurities are the most stable realities. 

It’s time to stand up and say, “NO! Satan doesn't have my number anymore!” You know why? Because you aren't going to give him that power over you anymore. As soon as he tries to plant his deceitful words into your mind, you CAST DOWN those vain imaginations; those thoughts that only bring you down, keep you from your vision, and steal your joy. Say, “Na-uh Satan. I don't think so! You're a liar! But you know whose words I WILL believe? The words of my Father!”

When Satan tries again, (because believe me, he will!) just laugh and say “Satan, what is it that you don't understand? I took your phone, went through your contacts and deleted my number. You have no way of contacting me anymore! I will not even receive your words anymore! That hold you once has on me is broken! I’m not afraid! I am capable, I am loved, and I need you and every negative thought to get far, far away from me, because I’m done with you!”

“… you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked one”. 1 John 2:14

Amen and Amen!

Friday, April 15, 2016

|He Took The Sword|
By Kenya Gossett

Recently, I watched a powerful 1959 film called, “Ben-Hur”, that has left me pondering on it ever since. Now, I’m not the best at story telling, so please bear with me: but the story follows Judah Ben-Hur, a wealthy Palestinian prince and merchant in Jerusalem, battling the Roman Empire at the time of Christ.
The trials he faced, seemed to be endless. He was betrayed by his closest friend. He was condemned as a slave to the galleys for 3 years. He lost his wealth. His mother and sister were stricken with leprosy while in prison. and he almost lost the woman he loved over the bitterness in his heart. 

It’s a beautiful story of redemption and healing, because ultimately he finds salvation at the foot of the cross and realizes that Jesus was the man who showed so much love and compassion to him in his times of need. It was amazing to see how all through out the movie, Jesus was always there. He was tied into everything.

As the movie ends with the crucifixion; it was seeing the power that occurred after Jesus took His last breath that inspired me to write this. The next scene was so perfect for the place I was in because the week prior to watching this film, the Lord was already speaking to my heart about redemption and the beauty of His blood. 

As Judah stood at the cross, beholding His Savior: his mother and sister, Miriam and Tirzah, were hiding in the caves not too far from the cross of Calvary. There was complete and utter darkness that surrounded them until the moment Jesus said “It Is Finished”. When it was close to His final moment, the thunder and lightning started to rumble and crack- the rain began to pour- and the wind was blowing every object in its path. Then, it suddenly stopped. The fear that gripped them was gone. The sun started to come out, and the precious blood of Jesus began to flow from a stream that the rain created, past the cave. Miriam and Tirzah were unaware of the miracle that just took place, until they looked at each other and saw nothing but faces that were healed. The blood that covered the earth and passed by, cleansed them from their leprosy. 

The simplicity in this was so powerful to me. I was in tears as I saw how the blood changed the lives of every individual. The ending scene shows Judah coming home with a totally different light in his eyes. It’s like he could barely walk over his excitement of being Born Again. The first and last words that came out of his mouth, pierced me. He told Esther (his love interest) of his experience at the foot of the cross and said “His voice took the sword from my hand.”

The blood of The King on the Old Rugged Cross, not only washed away the infirmities of his family, but the voice of the Messiah, took away the sword of anger- bitterness- and the desire for revenge against Rome that he so tightly held on to. Wow.
All of that would have killed the man he was destined to be!

This made me examine my own self. What sword do I carry in my hand? What could potentially kill me?
I’ll be honest, the biggest sword I have held, is the sword of fear. Fear over what will happen next in my life. Fear over what people think of me. Fear of death and fear of losing those that I am closest to. It has gripped me for so many years. It’s even been an uphill battle to truly be confident in who I am and what I am called to do. But I can now confidently proclaim that because of the blood of Jesus, every fear is gone. He took it from my hand, so that I can face tomorrow. 
Every fear of people, every past mistake, and every failure in my way of thinking, is GONE. I can be what I’ve been destined to be because of a sacrifice that was made for every human being. 
The only sword that I carry now, is truth, hope, love and a pure confidence. Towards myself and towards others. Hallelujah!

So I want to ask you. What sword do you carry? Is it Anger? Bitterness? Lust? Lack of self confidence? Jealousy? Sickness? Shame of your past? You too can overcome because JESUS LIVES! His blood washed it all away. You have been redeemed! BE FREE.
He died and rose again, so that we wouldn’t kill ourselves and abort who we are supposed to be in His Kingdom. He died and rose again, so that we could have a Heavenly way of thinking and truly walk in the victory that was given us. 

So to whoever is reading this: He took the sword. All you got to do now is BELIEVE IT. 

Friday, April 8, 2016

|The Journey: Even When You Cannot See| 
By Livy Jarmusch 

And they said to one another, ‘Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked with us on the road and while He opened up the scriptures to us?’” Luke 24:32 

Sometimes life can be confusing. It’s like the road map is turned upside down, the GPS isn’t working, and all the road signs that are supposed to tell you where to go, are in another language! They say that life is a beautiful journey. They say that it’s not about arriving at your destination, it’s all about the joy of getting there. But when you’ve been on the road for eighteen hours, you’ve run out of snacks, and you can’t find a place to take a bathroom break, it isn’t quite so fun anymore! 

Do you ever wish that you could just hurry up and get there? Dash to the next mile marker in your life, and graduate High School? Fall in love, get married? Get that new job you’ve been hoping for? 
Wouldn’t it be easier if you could have a head-on, insta-collision with destiny, like…tomorrow? Just imagine how blissful it would be to wake in the morning and find yourself smack-dab in the middle of God’s perfect plan for your life! Maybe you’d be a successful business woman, serving as a missionary in a foreign country, or finally recording the album that you’ve been dreaming about your whole life! 

Whatever it is that you’ve been waiting for, I’m sure you can relate. Maybe you’re longing for a new door of opportunity to open. Are you desperate to hear a fresh word of direction from God, about your life and your purpose? Maybe you’re wanting some clarity about confusing or hurtful things that are happening.

Wherever you’re at on this journey of life, I know that we’ve all reached the point where we’ve pulled off to the side of the road, shut off our engines, slammed our heads on the steering wheel and cried out, “God, where are you? I’m totally lost! I need direction! I need to hear your voice. What in the world are you doing? Are we just going around in circles? Just give me SOMETHING to work with here!” 

How strange a season it is when we lift our voices to Heaven, and hear nothing in return. 

The Bible says, “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all of your heart. I will be found by you declares the Lord, and I will restore you…” Jeremiah 29:12-14
On those days when I’m seeking (and I’m pretty darn sure that I’m seeking with all of my heart!) and I don’t get any clues, encouragement, cute little love letters from God, or radical “burning bush” experiences, I can begin to wonder what’s wrong. In moments like that, when God feels so distant and far away, it’s easy to panic. I know the truth that He will never leave me or forsake me, and He hears every prayer. He is perfectly faithful…so what in the world is going on?! 

The Lord is always speaking to us. His favorite thing to do is reveal who He is, how much He loves us, and the amazing plans that He has for our lives! He loves to reveal the reality of what’s happening in Heaven, which is His perspective, and make that manifest in our lives. The job of the Holy Spirit is to guide us into all truth, and take the things that belong to the Father, which belong to Jesus, and declare them to us! (John 16:13-14) So if God is always speaking, why can’t we hear Him? 

The Book of Esther is one of my favorite examples of a time when God appeared to be silent. Esther’s story is so unique. The Bible is full of story after story of God revealing Himself to His people in dramatic, ground-shakingly epic ways! The Red Sea opened, manna came down from Heaven, lions' mouths were shut, miracles were performed, miraculous wars were won, and God’s hand and voice were so clearly seen! To many characters in the Word, God revealed a new part of His nature and character. To Hagar, He was El Roi, “the God who Sees.” To Abraham, He was El Shaddi, “the All Sufficient One.” To David, He was El Sali, “the God of my Strength.” To the woman who had been bleeding her whole life, Jesus revealed Himself as “Healer.” To the woman who had been caught in the act of adultery, Jesus reveled Himself as “Redeemer.” To Paul, Jesus revealed Himself as “Strength made perfect in my weakness.” 

But in Esther’s story, God’s name is never mentioned. He doesn’t reveal a new part of His character by splitting open the heavens and performing a miracle. God’s name is nowhere to be found. Not even once, through the whole book! God never speaks through a prophet, “Thus saith the Lord!” or confirms his promises by wetting some fleece like he did for Gideon. As the Author of Esther’s story, God never signs His name in a big fat Sharpie marker. The flashing neon light of God’s presence and direction is nowhere to be seen. But when I read the book of Esther, my heart burns within me. I don’t see the Author’s name, but I know He has been there. Signs of the Author’s style, voice, and faithfulness are seen so clearly. His presence, His voice, and His direction within this book are so clear, if only you know what you’re looking for. I recognize the work of His providential hand, maneuvering every person, event, and word, according to His perfect plan. But do you think Esther was aware of this? Was she getting a play-by-play of God’s plan, or do you think she looked at the upside down road map in front of her, and asked God, “What in the world are You doing?!”

The Lord is revealing His name, nature, and character every single day. It may not be in an obvious, burning bush or sea-splitting way, but He is speaking, moving, and directing. Every line and scribble in my life that appears to be so messy, out of place, or just plain puzzling, is there for a purpose. The Author is weaving together a most beautiful story. I just don’t see it yet. As much as I don’t like to admit it, sometimes I’m like the guys who were walking down the trail of life in Luke 24. In their story, Jesus had just risen from the dead. The miracle of all miracles had taken place! These guys had every reason to be excited, whooping and hollering for joy, because God was working in their life in such an amazing way! But they were so confused. They were afraid, and perplexed, and totally blinded to the most beautiful thing that was happening right before their eyes. 
“Now behold, two of them were traveling that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was seven miles from Jerusalem. And they talked together of all these things which had happened. So it was, while they conversed and reasoned, that Jesus Himself drew near and went with them. But their eyes were restrained, so that they did not know Him. 
And He said to them, ‘What kind of conversation is this that you are having with one another as you walk and are sad?’
Then the one whose name was Cleopas answered and said to Him, ‘Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem and have you not known the things which happened there in these days?” 

They continued to explain to Jesus everything that had happened, the report of the resurrection, and how some friends from their group went the tomb and didn’t see Jesus there. As these men walked on the road with Jesus, “He expounded to them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself.” Beginning with Moses and all the prophets, Jesus revealed Himself in a way that these men had never heard before. It was so different from what they were used to, they didn’t even know that Jesus was talking to them! 

Finally, when they got to their house and broke bread together, something that they were used to doing in the past, “their eyes were opened and they knew Him, and He vanished from their sight.” 

Suddenly, everything made sense. When the Spirit of wisdom and revelation hit them, they could see clearly. They had the “a-ha!” moment they had been aching for, and everything was clear and sunny and bright again! Jesus was alive! And He had been WALKING with them that whole time! 

“And they said to one another, ‘Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened up the Scriptures to us?’”

I love that verse. Even though they couldn’t see Jesus in the way they were used to seeing Him, and God wasn’t doing things the way He used to do, their hearts still burned within them. They knew Him by the Spirit, and they recognized that He had the Words of life. Something inside of them was drawn to what Jesus was saying. They didn’t know why, but a magnetic force pulled them in and tugged on their hearts. God was doing a brand new thing in their lives, and even before their minds or human understanding could comprehend it, their spirits knew. Their hearts burned with passion and fresh fire as He spoke.Sister, you are never traveling down the road of life all on your own. Just like the men in this story, Jesus is right there with you, guiding you, speaking to you, and opening up the Scriptures to you, whether you can recognize Him or not! Maybe you don’t feel God holding your hand like He used to, as you would joyfully blaze forward on this trail, and you’re wondering why you can’t feel the warmth of His presence. Perhaps in the past, Jesus lifted you up on His shoulders every time a freaky snake would jump out to attack; but now you’re standing there, shaking in fear, because you’ve got a sword in your hand, and you need to kill the snake. Maybe He used to always sing the same song over your heart, a lullaby of sorts, and suddenly He changed the dial on the radio so you don’t recognize the tune! Any of these shifts and changes can cause us to freak out. But we must remember and hold fast to the truth: the Lord is doing a new thing. Just because I can’t recognize it, or make sense of it yet, doesn’t mean He’s not with me and guiding every step of this process. 

What if Esther compared her story to the stories of what God had done in the past? What if she didn’t step forward in boldness to save her people, because she didn’t have a burning bush experience? Sometimes we can get so used to Heaven's manna from the past, that we don’t step into what God is doing in our lives right now. The manna stopped so that God’s people would press forward and take the Promise Land! 

If you’re feeling a little bit clueless, still not sure how to read your map or what to do next, I want you to take a deep breath. You’re not lost. Your tank might be out of gas, you may not be able to read the road signs, and your connection to Heaven might seem a little shaky, but I promise you this: God is with you. He will never leave you or forsake you! You know that you are chosen by God to be His royal Princess Daughter; He delights in you, He adores you, and He has amazing plans for you. Let that be enough. 

If everything in your world seems out of whack and off kilter, remember that God is still penning your story. He’s in mid-stroke. You can’t see everything that He’s doing behind the scenes. Let that be okay. 

Trust the Author.

Blessings, Livy Jarmusch

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Sunday, April 3, 2016

|Esther of the Month: April 2016|
Tatiana Klein

Before March seventeenth 2016 my knowledge of India was meager and food related. As a California girl from a private christian school, India existed only in my imagination. I was completely oblivious to the wonders kept in the borders of India. However, God was fully aware of my ignorance and he decided to bless me with a journey to India. I believe that He was eager to allow me the pure pleasure of loving his children on the opposite side of the world. 

My school holds annual service trips in the spring, which depart to countries all around the world. I had originally applied to go to a different service trip, and ironically enough, I was thoroughly opposed to even applying to go to India. Obviously, the Lord was patiently waiting to prove his plan for me to be much greater than any plan that I could dream up. 

The months prior to my journey were jam packed with preparation: mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I had been specifically praying for God to "break my heart" for the things that break His, in hopes that I could be a vessel for Him to channel His current of unconditional love. 

Our mission for the trip was to fill the libraries of "dream centers" in the poorest parts of India (Dream center: a place for orphans, and children in dire situations to live, hear the word of God, and thrive in a loving environment- coined by the founder of the organization: Good news India). We were also in preparation to hold a day of activities and a night chapel for each dream center.

Once we landed from the flight that lasted an eternity, 
I could not keep still from my excitement to see these children. Little did I know that God was about to shatter my heart for these precious children of India. 
Each day that came presented me an opportunity to unload the massive amounts of love that were stored in my heart. The Lord blessed me with so much energy, despite the lack of sleep and exponential rate of sickness in the group. I constantly felt incredibly energetic and thrilled to play with these children and be blessed by their faith. 

The kids that I befriended will be embedded in my mind like diamonds. Quickly after I met each group, would I see priceless character. Every child I met showed great reverence to our team and treated us like royalty. They were so eager to give me all their love and comfort. I felt ridiculous being treated so, because it was apparent to me that they were precious and much more worthy of glorification. 

Amidst the devastating public and waves of heat lived the children whose eyes sparkled with vitality. There was a raw joy and sincerity about their smiles. Never in my entire life had I seen such a genuine display of emotion, and never had I loved anything so instantly.

The Lord sure did answered my prayer, and He did not spare any detail. He broke my heart for the impoverished youth of India, and I am immensely thankful for it. I know now the urgency in God's heart to spread love and joy to all His children living in the world. 

-Tatiana Klein

You too can make a difference, by visiting By sponsoring a child for only $35 a month, you can help give these precious ones food, housing, and education. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

|He Will Make Her Wilderness Like Eden|
By Melody Mohnhaupt

"For the Lord shall comfort Zion: he shall comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody." (Isaiah 51:3) 

About a year ago, I spoke at a women’s conference and I shared on this verse alone. I asked all the women to replace the word “Zion” in the verse above with their own name. You can try it too! I spoke of how we must believe that God’s word is true. He is more than capable of turning our hardships, failures, and stagnant situations into beautiful, joyous, and overflowing circumstances. 
I encouraged many not to give up and not to be discouraged, because we serve a mighty God. He is our comforter whom will bring us life in the droughts that so often encompass us.

You see, this verse was the cry of my heart. I had experienced much drought in my life and many times found myself hopeless. Through my failures and pains, I discovered the Lord in a new way. Throughout the years I’ve changed little by little, and realized as time went on, I wasn’t in the wilderness anymore. I found rivers of living water! I had felt the times the Lord sent down His spirit like rain, and because of this, I was changed. 

Although, at that point in my life, I would not, yet, have considered myself a garden, I was certain I was no longer the dry desert I once was. That excited me! God was faithful through His love, kindness, and mercy upon me; transforming that wilderness into soft soil and planting one seed after the other. He never gave up on me, even through my mistakes. Instead, He used each circumstance to benefit me. 

Today, a full year after receiving this word that the Lord had given to me, I tell you, I am so much closer to becoming that garden than I was back then. He has gutted out weeds that prevented life from springing forth ! He has flooded me with showers of His grace and favor. He has shined his rays of love down on me! And now I see fruit!!! 

Isaiah 58:11) And the Lord shall guide thee continuously, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters faint not. 12) And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in.

Recently, He has shown me the next step of my journey to becoming like Eden. As I am being transformed and watered, He has called me to provoke and encourage you to allow Him to start or continue that same work that He is doing in me, in you! He wants me to show all the deserts and wildernesses out there that THERE IS HOPE! His name is JESUS! He desires all his children to be baring fruit. GOOD FRUIT! He wants all the world to see that he transforms and makes things beautiful simply to bring him glory! He will continually teach me how to reach out and how to do everything he has anointed me to do.

Isaiah 61:1)The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me gtto bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; 2)To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; 3)To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called the trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified. 4)And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolation of many generations.

As you allow the Lord to transforms you, He will call you up. He will call you out. He will equip you! Fear not, for we are capable! It is not us, but Him working through us because of our willingness and desire to lead others to His glory!

Jeremiah 1:6) Then said I, Ah, Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child. 7) But the Lord said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak. 8) Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord. 9) Then the Lord put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the Lord said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth. 10) See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant. 

You aren’t a lost cause. You haven’t drifted too far. Your desert and wilderness isn't too desolate for the Lord. He sees a planting ground. He sees so much potential in you! And guess what? Even in your wilderness, He ADORES you! He wants the very best for you! And you know what that is? It’s Him! He wants to begin to pour abundant life into you! Sometimes it’s uncomfortable. Some of those roots and weeds are really stubborn! Sometimes the soil of our hearts has been hardened by hurt. But, allowing Him to work in us is SO WORTH the outcome! 

You can be a testimony! You could say, “I thought I was hopeless, but look what God did in me! Because of my faithfulness to him, now look at what he’s able to do through me!” It’s possible. I speak from experience. The life that radiates from a watered garden is remarkable! The beauty is exquisite and the joy it brings is undeniable! That could be you!

Philippians 1:6) [Be] confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

I say again, there is Hope!