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Saturday, March 23, 2013

By: Deanna Michelle- Kenya.Africa B.E Representative

How many times in our life do the affairs of life cause us to forget to

have time with our First Love? It’s very easy in the natural as ladies

in waiting to remember every detail of our Wedding Day. But we must
never forget who we are already betrothed to! His name is Jesus. He is
the bridegroom and we are HIS bride, the church.

Though I’m single, I’ve been preparing my heart for my husband-to-be
on earth so that I may be ready to be the wife God has called me to
be. How much more should preparation be made for the Prince of peace
Who is returning for His bride? He is waiting to come to receive a
bride that is to be without spot, without blemish and blameless.
Therefore, we ought the more earnestly prepare our hearts for
spiritual marriage to Christ. In 1 Cor. 7:35, the Scriptures tell us
to attend upon the Lord without distraction. Though there’s nothing
wrong with preparing oneself for that Wedding Day and marriage here on
earth. But may we not let it supersede our preparation of heart for
the day of the Lord’s return when we are to be presented to Him as His
chaste bride.

Jer. 2:32
Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire? Yet my people
have forgotten ME days without number.

This breaks my heart whenever I read this Scripture for at times I
reflect it in my life. Oh how my spirit longs to be at the feet of
Jesus, hearing His Word and fellowshipping with Him! It’s no wonder it
is written in 2 Tim. 2:4 we are called not to entangle ourselves with
the affairs of this life. When we are busy about like Martha,
encumbered with the things life throws at us, we miss time that is
needful which is seeking the Lord’s face at His feet like Mary did
(Luke 10:38-42). May we have a heart like Mary, desiring that time
with the Lord which is most needful for our spiritual well-being.

As we prepare to be that bride for the Lord, at the same time it
prepares us to be a wife for our future husband. If not for the love
of God, if not for His mercies and grace that He has given to us, how
could we learn love the way He has loved us? It’s because of the
Lord’s example which shows no greater love that we can look to Him,
and follow hard after Him by showing it to others especially for our
husband someday<3 My heart’s prayer is to love as He loves, hate what
He hates, and live as He lived! What better way to show love for my
husband-to-be than to show it in the way most loving of all as
Christ’s love is toward us? Let’s examine our own hearts this day. May
we ready ourselves for the coming of our bridegroom, our Lord Jesus
Christ—That day is soon!

God bless you always! ~Deanna Michelle

To learn more about Deanna and the B.E team visit:

Thursday, March 14, 2013

|Such A Time As This|
By: Deanna Michelle- Kenya,Africa 
~Esther 4:14~
For if thou altogether holdest the peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth thether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

Before coming here to Africa, I received a letter from the mother of Eden and Jezreel (B.E Philippines *smile*) Out of all that their mom shared to me, this Scripture Esther 4:14 is what stood out the most.  She wrote, “Believe that He has prepared you for such a time as this Est 4:14.” Though at the time, I didn’t understand the fullness of it. Even now at times I think why me, Lord? To be honest, in my heart I truly feel that I’m the worse person to be sent to this nation for this purpose. But the Lord has put on my heart once again to share part of my testimony of how He sent me here to Kenya, Africa for such a time as this! 

The Lord’s timing is perfect. I know now why He chose to send me at this time in my life, though I feel very inadequate and unable to fulfill what He has called me to do in this ministry. And that’s the thing! I cannot out of my own volition be able to carry out ALL that He has planned for my life and the calling He has placed me in. I can’t do it on my own by myself. It’s through the Lord Jesus Christ and by HIS strength, I can do all things! (Phil.4:13) This is a constant reminder I have to tell myself daily for at times I try to do it my own way.  But as the Scriptures say in Proverbs 3:5-7, I’m willing now to trust in the Lord and not lean on my own understanding. It’s in that state of being, all my burdens, worries, and doubts fade away…because I cast all of them upon the One who cares for me! (1Pet.5:7) 
In these past 175 days to date of living here in Africa, I have learned something about myself that I never knew before. Whenever I experience adversity, I can give up so easily if not for the grace and mercy of the Lord to help me. Yet if I see my friend in need, my heart goes out to them and a fire in me ignites a strength and courage I never thought I had! I can be strong for others when I need to. For myself, I can’t. Therefore, with all diligence I put my focus and concern towards the needs of others rather than myself. For its when I think of others with compassion that Christ had for us, I’m obeying His Word as it is written in 1 Thes. 5:14, “…comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.” When I think of others, I forget all that was worrying my soul because of the care and compassion the Lord puts in my heart for my friends and family. 
With that said, I am reminded of the compassion we see in the heart of Esther towards her people. Esther 4:16 writes of Queen Esther and her mandate she was compelled to do, but before doing so, she purposed in heart for 3 days and nights to fast and pray with her maidens. Knowing that she may perish as a result of what she was set forth to do, Esther was willing to lay down her life—No greater love than this (John 15:13). That’s the heart the Lord has given me towards His people in this nation of Africa, as well as the Philippines, India, Pakistan, Burma, and future nations we will be touching.  I have a love that I never had before, for the faithful saints dear to my heart with whom I have joints and marrow, bonds not easily broken.
I recall back to about 3 months ago, I had a strong conviction in my heart that drove me to my knees in prayer and fasting for the Holy Spirit to bring unity in the midst of all the chaos, confusion, and spiritual warfare. Though I can’t share the depth of it all, I know those times I was falling on my face, tears flowing, and heart crying, I found strength, peace, and release of all the pain and discomfort I held within my soul. It’s no wonder why prayer and fasting is essential, especially when facing spirituals battles that can’t be explained in the natural. As it’s written, we must fight the good fight of faith! (1Tim.6:12) Fight for those who can’t fight for themselves. Fight when we feel we have no fight left in us… Praise God for He says in His Word, (2 Cor. 12:9) in those times we are weak, His grace is sufficient and His strength is made perfect.

There’s not much more I feel that I can add at the moment. What better way to end than the grace of God that He has given to us! May His grace cover each and every one of you today and always <3
~ Deanna Michelle

To learn more about Deanna and the other Becoming Esther sisters, Visit:

Monday, March 11, 2013

By: Carissa Deann, Becoming Esther U.S: California Representative

"All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you." Songs of Solomon 4:7

The Paper Man, a short film by Disney. I don't know why it's my favorite short film, actually it intrigued me long before I actually had seen the movie. Months before I saw a commercial that showed a small clip of the film with a man and woman standing on a platform. I had no idea what it was and naturally assumed it was a new movie but something about that clip intrigued me. So naturally I searched google like a crazy person trying to find the name of the movie and when it will or was released. I finally gave up and eventually forgot about the movie. One morning I'm making my calls and sitting with my boys as they watch their movie and look and behold!! There it was a short film called the PaperPlane man came on! I fell in love with this film.

It's simple really. A man sees a beautiful woman, the moment of impact, all it is, is a moment because soon enough she is gone. But that moment becomes a repeated memory in the theater of his mind. He can't stop thinking about this beautiful moment. Not because she is just any beautiful woman but because she is THE beautiful woman! The woman you have waited for,the beautiful woman you have prayed for, the woman that will brake the spell ahaha jk I had to reference beauty and the beast :)

Everything about her attracts you. No not just her beauty but who she is. 
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment such as braided hair and the wearing of fine jewelry and fine clothes. Instead it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a GENTLE and QUIET SPIRIT which is of GREAT WORTH in God's sight." 1 Peter 3:3-4

Even though that moment of meeting was impactful, it's still just a moment because it's not time. As God prepares you, He is preparing her as well. How important is it that we have someone to walk through life with, through all the trials and blessing. You want a woman who will enrich you, encourage you, pray for you, and fast for you. 
"A wife of NOBLE CHARACTER who can FIND? She is WORTH far more than rubies. Her husband has full CONFIDENCE in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him GOOD, not harm, all the days of her lives." Proverbs 31:10-12

So that moment you meet, you have hope, but you find yourself waiting once again. That's ok, let her bloom, let yourself grow. You're becoming the man who can lead her. You watch like Boaz watched. From a woman's prospective its better for us to dwell in the presence of God and fix our eyes and thoughts on The Lord. If she comes off as if she has forgotten you or like she is eliminating you don't be discouraged. She is just focusing on The Lord, it's not our job to watch or pursue. We are to seek first the kingdom and be transformed. Your job is to watch, find and chase. Be praying and in the right moment God will lead you to pursue. 
"God has made everything beautiful in its time" Ecclesiastes 3:11

Like the Paper man he saw her again, another moment to get her attention. But as you see when he tried to do things his way he was getting frustrated and wasn't succeeding. You may be trying to keep her attention your way but always remember, The Lord brought a way for you to meet, He will bring back another way for you two to come together and it won't be any way that is obvious. So keep seeking Him and walking your path. 

In the Paper Man film he gets frustrated, leaves what's normal to him to find her, yet again, chase her, but after he had decided, "alright I'm chasing her" she was gone. He felt defeated and that he missed it. You may be questioning if you missed it or missed God, maybe it wasn't her? Don't be discouraged! Like the PaperPlane man a gush of wind and all the Paper Planes he used to get her attention lead him straight to her, and her to him. 

Just when you may feel you missed it trust the Holy Spirit. He will lead you just to her at the right moment. He directs our life and leads us to where we need to be. We encounter that second moment, the moment she says yes. The Lord is a beautiful poet writer of our lives, trust that He is writing your love story.

"In this same way, husbands ought to LOVE their wives as they love their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself" Ephesians 5:28

"Husbands LOVE your wives and do not be harsh with them" Colossians 3:19

"Husbands, in the same way be CONSIDERATE as you live with your wives, and treat them with RESPECT as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers." 
1 Peter 3:7

"LOVE does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth. It ALWAYS PROTECTS, Always Trust, Always hopes, Always perseveres." 
1 Corinthians 13:6-7

Love, trust and protect. Ask The Lord to lead you and have fun chasing the woman of your dreams! Be blessed gentleman! 

A special B.E America: California :) 
Love Carissa Deann

P.S the movie 

To learn more about Carissa and the rest of the team, Check out:

Saturday, March 9, 2013

By: Deanna Michelle~ Becoming Esther: Kenya, Africa 

Opak Yesu! (Praise Jesus in Luo) This being my 25th week in the land of Kenya, I thought I’d write my first blog entry for the Becoming Esther ministry here in Africa.  Please bear with me as I am very new at this *wink*  The Lord has shown me so much in my life living here in Kenya, Africa. My first weeks here seem like only yesterday… The Word is so true—Life is but a vapor. 

One of the things the Lord has revealed to me living here is how to really walk by faith and not by sight (1 Cor.5:7).  Living back in the States, I don’t remember having to trust the Lord in ways that I need to trust Him here in Kenya.  Simple things such as having running water, electricity, and food—I really had to trust in the Lord’s provision, and He is ever so faithful to provide!  Praise God.  Among these, I also have come to learn not to be moved by what I see, but be moved by the unseen.  I can’t explain it in words physically because it deals with spirituals.  But one thing I know for sure, no matter what I face here naturally and spiritually, the power of prayer and fasting mixed with the faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, strengthened me so much during the times that felt most unbearable.  I thank God for His Word is true—He won’t give me anything I can’t handle, Amen!

The times I remember being the strongest spiritually were on my knees seeking the Lord early (Prov. 8:17).  In the morning, I’d awake before anyone else was up, go in a quiet place to seek the Lord and cry out humbly to Him as I poured my heart before His throne of grace.  Oh how I love those times being alone in the presence of the MOST HIGH!  Times like that are precious to me and I long to be there as often as I can. 

Truly the Lord is good and His faithfulness is great!  This journey of life that I’m passing through has made me into the young woman of God that I prayed the Lord would bring out of me.  I feel stronger and bolder, yet meek and of a quiet spirit (2 Pet.3:4).  I remember before I was sent to this nation, my prayer to the heavenly Father was this: To become a godly example so that in the near future, I’d be ready to a wife for the man of God the Lord has for me, and to be a godly mother for our children.  There are three keys the Lord has given me to become that godly wife and mother I so desire to be:

Respect authority. Be submissive. Don’t usurp!
Put a guard over my mouth and my heart. 
Serve willingly in love and with joy!

The first is definitely key in not only being a wife to my husband but as a bride of Christ.  Ephesians 5:24 says, “Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.”  I’ve learned how powerful the Jezebel spirit can be and I am determined with purpose of my heart not to become or let it be part of me.  I desire to submit, support, and undergird the man of God who I will call my husband.  To love him all the days of my life, encourage and strengthen his heart at all times.  Amen and Amen!

The second key helped me open…or should I say “lock” certain doors in my life that should never be opened.  O how important it is for us ladies to put a guard over our mouth, watch what we say and even what we hear!  There’s a way we ought to speak and when we should speak.  So many women of the world today are into gossip and back-stabbing about each other, their husbands, or others.  In 1 Tim. 2:11-12, it is specifically written that we as women of God learn in silence and not usurp authority. We are to reflect this in our lives.  With this in mind, may we also purpose to be Titus 2 women. We see in Titus 2:3-5 how women of God are to be and how the older women should set the example for others especially younger sisters in Christ.  I want to highlight in this chapter how we must be obedient to our own husbands.  Why?  So the Word of God be not blasphemed! (vs 5).  May we truly take this to heart for it is the very foundation of who are to be as daughters of God desiring to become like Esther.  She is this ministry’s name sake.  She set the example first when she replaced Vashti who was un-submissive to authority.  Let the spirit of Esther arise within us compelling others to follow us as well! 

Finally, I’d like to present the third key to unlock the door to wife and motherhood—servitude.  In all honesty, I know to be willing to serve at times isn’t easy.  But afterwards the fruit yielded is sweet!  I’m so blessed that I’ve come to learn how to serve out of a willing heart.  I can’t wait to be a wife for my husband-to-be and have dinner made for him, the house cleaned, and the children ready when he comes home from work *smile* That’s the desire of my heart and I trust the Lord that soon I’ll be able to do my heart’s desire. 

Psalm 37:4
Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
So with that I will close for now.  I pray for all to be blessed with what the Spirit of the Lord has shown me in my journey so far living here in Kenya, Africa.  May it minister to each and every one of your hearts, souls, and spirits!  Nyasaye oguedhu! (God bless you all!)

In His Love, Deanna Michelle.

~To learn more about Deanna and the Becoming Esther team, Please visit: