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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

 |Fall in Love with the King|
By: Melody Mohnhaupt

    It is easy, especially for young women such as myself, to become consumed by the idea of finding that special man of God to share our lives with. We day dream all day long of how perfect he will be and we get swept away in our own make believe fairytales of what we imagine life will be like one day with him. We write poems about love and post pictures and quotes about finding him. We listen to love songs on repeat as if each word was written specifically for us. We engage in a relationship that is nonexistent. We spend so much of our energy waiting for our future husbands when there is something far more important we should be waiting and searching for.
As a young, Christian woman, I ask this question: why are we so joyously overwhelmed by the idea of finding our prince when we have been given the opportunity to fall in love with the king? We should be searching for Him. We should be waiting on Him each day to reveal Himself more and more to us.
Sometimes it seems so important to us to be in a relationship. We are so afraid of being alone. We desire comfort, love, attention, affection, security, and countless benefits that relationships can offer. We want that one person we can share anything and everything with. Why do we not look to The Lord for all these things? Shouldn't we share all these beautiful things with The Lord before we share them with another man? Our God is a jealous God and there is no way he will join us to a holy man unless we have a relationship with Him first!
I recall a specific time in my life when I was broken and confused and longing to be loved. I witnessed a person I had felt so deeply for now expressing his affection with someone else. I was hurt and felt a void in my heart. One night I was in a worship session when I broke down before God. I was weeping before The Lord saying, "why would you allow this to happen? Why do I have to feel this way? Can't you fix this?". As I began asking these questions the musicians began to play a song called "Divine Romance"; a song I've heard many times, but this time there was a new meaning. I heard the lyrics, "for you I sing, I dance. I rejoice in this divine romance". 
That became my cry out to The Lord. Lord God, for YOU I will sing and I will dance! I will REJOICE in THIS divine romance! I felt so silly afterward, but so at peace. There I was, shattered over some boy that The Lord didn't even want me with, when all along my Lord and savior was there saying, "What about me?. Love ME. Desire ME. When will you be content just being in my presence? Why are you still searching for someone to love you? Am I not enough?". 
 That's when I realized the most important and essential relationship we can have is with Jesus Christ. Of course I already knew it in my head, but now I felt it in my heart. By allowing Jesus to fill that void, we open up our hearts for him to dwell and mend each wound left behind. But He doesn't just heal and then leave. He heals and strengthens and transforms us from the inside out! That is what Jesus did for me. He can certainly do it for you too!
We need to use this time now to seek Him like never before. Build a relationship with Him. Fall in love with The Lord! We must purify and prepare ourselves for Him.
 Yes, it is important to prepare ourselves for our natural husbands, but should that be our focus in life? I don't think so. Once we have a committed relationship with God, surrender our lives to Him and are fully and completely content in his presence, then He will BLESS us with the perfect man of God for us. However, The Lord will not bring a holy, God fearing man to our side if we are worldly and unclean. If we cannot love, honor and obey The Lord now, why would He bless us with a holy man that we will not know how to love, honor and obey in the future?

 If we serve Him faithfully and delight ourselves in Him, His word says He will give us the desires of our hearts. He wants the best for us, but he can't give that to us if we rush into something he has not chosen for us. A true man of God will hear God's voice. He will be led by God directly to us. Just be patient. Wait on Him. He will make all things beautiful in HIS time! Be blessed and encouraged. 

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