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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

|Be Men and Women of God|
By: Deanna Michelle: Becoming Esther: East Africa Representative

The Lord just dropped this blog in my heart just moments ago as I
praying and meditating on His Word, focusing on the book of Esther.
We see a contrast between 2 men and 2 women in this Book: Mordecai and
Haman, Esther and Vashti.  Oh how different the outcomes of each of
their lives because of the choices they made.  What a difference does
it make, when our choices put the LORD first submitting to His
authority, we’ll reap the fruits thereof and how sweet it shall be!
Being a young woman of God trying to become Esther, I never really
focused on Mordecai.  But the Lord revealed to me a key note on
Mordecai’s life, and I never noticed before though I’ve read the book
of Esther several times.  In the last chapter Esther 10:3, we see here
“Mordecai the Jew was NEXT unto king Ahasuerus.”  My first initial
thought: WOW, from standing outside the king’s gate to becoming king
himself!  The Lord saw Mordecai’s humble heart and rewarded him
greatly for it.  We know the demise of Haman and what his pride led
him to—death.
Now let’s take a look at the 2 women in the book of Esther. (There’s
so much the Lord’s showed me, but I’ll do my best to sum it up
*winks*)  We see the humble and meek spirit that clothed Queen Esther.
So unlike Vashti who was dethroned for her haughty spirit—the same
spirit that was of Jezebel.  I can’t stress the importance of NEVER
giving place to this spirit!  To hear this over and over again, isn’t
grievous for us, but safe!  Ladies, with all diligence and purpose of
heart, let’s rise up in this generation that promotes independent,
prideful, self-absorbed women!  The world may love the easy, breezy,
beautiful Cover-girl.  But the beauty of the Lord shines through girls
of grace devoted who are fully to Him, for that is true beauty!
Forget about Victoria’s secret.  Sisters, let’s dwell in that Secret
Place with the heavenly Father, for that is what a true man of God
desires.  And while Venus advertises a woman to be a goddess, let us
with all humility be a reflection of the Most High as daughters of
May we have the spirit of becoming Esther that shows forth an
example of what a true Proverbs 31 and Titus 2 woman are to be!
Oh how important it is to be men and women of God!  This should be at
the TOP of qualities we desire in our future spouse.  Let’s make every
effort to be men and women of God, to the point it is second-nature to
us.  I have a promise ring given to me by a brother in Christ who I’ve
purposed in my heart to wait patiently for, as he waits for me as
well.  Living in Africa, I’ve lost some weight so that now my promise
ring has become loose on my ring finger and I’m forced to wear it on
another…  My ring finger feels absolutely naked without it!  (But Lord
willing, in the NEAR future, it’ll be replaced with something with
more meaning for it will seal my commitment to the one I love in the
Lord! *smiles*)

My point in bringing this up is that’s how our lives
should feel without holiness and godliness.  We should be known for
being holy men and women of God.  And if, God forbid, someone looks at
us in question of our walk with the Lord, we should have a bare,
naked, and empty feeling… And that feeling should drive us to examine
our own hearts and allow the Lord to change us into that man or woman
He has called us to be in all godliness and holiness!  Amen and Amen!!
God bless you all! Be humble. Be pure. Be holy. Be men and women of

~In His love and grace, Deanna Michelle
To learn more about Deanna Michelle and the B.E team: visit:

Sunday, April 7, 2013

 |That Needful Thing|
By:Kenya Gossett

~Be silent in the presence of the Lord GOD; For the day of the LORD is at hand~ Zephaniah 1:7

I like how that scripture says Be silent or at peace in the presence of God. Some times, we need to have those times of silence and being still, to hear His voice. Many times, our thoughts get so overwhelmed with the burdens of life, that even when we try & sit to spend time with God, our thoughts start to wander. When this happens, we can miss what God is trying to tell us or encourage us in about the situation we're going through.
Our spirit is always willing to seek God, but our flesh is weak. No matter what we're going through or how busy life can be, we need to discipline our flesh, by wanting to seek the Lord with all our hearts. 
This is how we will GROW.

I know in my personal life, this is what God has been dealing with me on. I have purposed in my heart to wake up early & seek Him. I'm not a morning person, AT ALL ;) but I have noticed such a change in my life because of disciplining my flesh and giving Him that time. In Psalms 92:2 it talks about how we should show our loving kindness to Him every morning & our faithfulness every night!! When we are faithful to Him, He is faithful to us! When we seek Him, He reveals His Holy Spirit unto us & When we love Him with our whole hearts, He gives us such an overwhelming love in return.

Ladies: I know many of us want to get married, but how can we be the wife God wants us to be, if we don't know how to get a hold of God and if we aren't in that secret place daily?? You won't be transformed into that woman of Excellence, if you aren't spending time at the feet of Jesus. 
I love the story about Martha and Mary in Luke 10.
It talks about how Martha was so busy with the household and worrying about the issues of life, but Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and HEARD His word. Eventually Martha became frustrated because her sister would not help her serve the household. Then Jesus answered her and said "Martha you are troubled about many things, but Mary has chosen the one thing that is NEEDFUL, which will not be taken away from her"

I believe that "Needful" thing he was talking about was Salvation and when we choose that, we will have something that will not be taken away from us, Eternal Life!! You see, when we start slipping in our time with Him, when we start losing that love, it opens the door for backsliding to take place. Jesus is that "needful thing" We need Him!! Without Him we could be that Proverbs 31 wife, we could not have the strength to deal with the trials life. We would be completely lost in every area of our life without Him.

There is so much that we can learn from being at the feet of Jesus and there's so much that can change. There is victory, healing, strength, and joy at the feet of our Lord, but most of all, when we choose HIM, we are choosing ETERNAL LIFE. In the end, that is the most important.. 

Do not lose that fire in you, Do not forget your first love!! He is wanting all of you today, He wants to commune with you, He wants to ravish you with love. He delights in you! He is a jealous God! Our affections should not be on anything else but HIM. 
So Ladies, purpose in your heart to have the Spirit of Mary. As you sit at the feet of Jesus and HEAR His word, He will help grow and prepare you for what is about to come.

Love and Prayers, Kenya-Nicole ~Becoming Esther~

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